Art235 Project 3 Plan





Short video (minimum 90 secs)

Plans and instructions should be posted on your blog by the beginning of class

Chosen instruction:

Bengt af Klintberg

1. In Copenhagen (for Ibi)

A big Danish flag is tacked to a wall.

Paint the white cross yellow.

Drink a Tuborg (or a Carlsberg).

Paint the four red squares blue.


Fade in. A blank wall is visible. A person enters the frame carrying a step stool, speaker, and Dannebrog (Danish flag). The step stool is opened and set in front of the wall. The person climbs the stool with the Dannebrog over their arm. As they hang the flag on the wall, the Danish national anthem “Der er et yndigt land” plays. The flag is hung vertically. Once it is hung, they descend the stool. The person walks off frame and returns with a bucket and paintbrush. They begin to paint the white cross with yellow, beginning from the top of the flag. When that is complete, they take the bucket and paintbrush off frame and return with a Carlsberg beer. They sit on the stool and drink, facing the flag while “Sång till Skåne” plays. Once the beer is empty, they set the empty container against the wall, under the flag. They leave frame and return with the bucket and paintbrush. The Swedish national anthem “Du gamla, du fria” plays. The red sections of the flag are painted blue, clockwise from upper left and ending at the lower left. The paintbrush is dropped into the bucket, the step stool is folded up and all three items are carried out of frame, leaving the Swedish’d Dannebrog and Carlsberg.

Plan for the process of making the work:

Video will be recorded at my home. The required materials are:

Step stool

Dannebrog (Danish flag)

Carlsberg beer



The process of painting the flag will be virtual as a video effect in post production.

Inspirational images and drawings:



A dusty terminal boots up. A phone line is picked up. The dial tone awaits the user’s instructions. An access number is dialed and a connection is made. A quest for the information of the known universe begins. Communication is established and data is received, but as the download completes there is a catastrophic error.

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